Stake Liquidity
Covenant can facilitate the distribution of liquidity incentives (distinct from regular Uniswap fees) to Liquidity Providers. LPs can earn these incentives, when they are available, by staking, and then registering, their LP tokens via the Positions page.
Navigate to the Positions page and scroll down to the 'Uni V3 LP Positions' section. If you are an LP of one or more guilds you should see your active liquidity positions there. In order to stake your LP token, click the 'Stake' button and approve the necessary transaction permissions.
Staking functionality can take a while to complete, sometimes around 30 seconds, so don't be surprised if you see the spinning wheel go on.
Once the transaction is complete, the button will read 'Unstake.' The next step will be to register your staked position. IMPORTANTLY, In the future, if you want to unstake and redeem your LP token, you will have to unregister your position BEFORE you unstake it.
To register your NFT scroll down to the "Uni V3 LP Incentives" section. Find the LP position that you just registered, identifiable by the Token ID. In the previous screenshot, we staked Token ID 526275, so that is the one we will register. Click the 'Register' button and approve the prompted transaction notifications.
With your LP token now registered, you will accrue incentives, if any are active on your respective pool, on a time and LP-fee weighted basis. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see your accrued rewards.
Finally, to redeem you LP token, you will need to Unregister and then Unstake, in that order. You do not need to claim your rewards prior to withdrawing your LP token. It's important to note, by staking your LP token, you are transferring that asset to the Uniswap staking contract. If you look for a staked LP token on the Uniswap interface, it will not appear.
Last updated